Monday 2 April 2012

rheumaticc heart disease

Rheumatic fever
Modified Jones criteria :

Major criteria
§  Polyarthritis: A temporary migrating inflammation of the large joints, usually starting in the legs and migrating upwards.
§  Carditis: Inflammation of the heart muscle which can manifest as congestive heart failure with shortness of breath, pericarditis with a rub, or a new heart murmur.
§  Subcutaneous nodules: Painless, firm collections of collagen fibers over bones or tendons. They commonly appear on the back of the wrist, the outside elbow, and the front of the knees.
§  Erythema marginatum: A long lasting rash that begins on the trunk or arms as macules and spreads outward to form a snake like ring while clearing in the middle. This rash never starts on the face and it is made worse with heat.
§  Sydenham's chorea (St. Vitus' dance): A characteristic series of rapid movements without purpose of the face and arms. This can occur very late in the disease for at least three months from onset of infection.

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