Sunday 1 April 2012


Case thalassemia
Pt hv u/l  beta thalassemia diagnosed in 2000 with hypersplenism
Currently pw lethargic, reduced effort tolerance, mild sob, dizziness, bilateral leg swelling, periorbitsl sweling
On examination ptn jaundice, pale , thalassemic facies, frontal bossing, distended abdomen, with hepatosplenomegaly( massive splenomegaly), leuconychia, elevated jvp, PSM at mitral area, (TR with loud P2)
1.hbe beta thalasemia
2. heart failure
pt/aptt, inr, fbc, rft, urine feme, ecg
·         -transfuse 1 pint pack cell
·         -for echo
·         -t.hematinic 

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