Tuesday 17 April 2012

Sheehan syndrome

Sheehan syndrome, also known as Simmonds' syndrome or postpartum hypopituitarism or postpartum pituitary necrosis, is hypopituitarism(decreased functioning of the pituitary gland), caused by necrosis due to blood loss and hypovolemic shock during and after childbirth. Pituitary damage unrelated to pregnancy is called Simmonds' disease.


  • In some cases, a woman with Sheehan syndrome might be relatively asymptomatic, and the diagnosis is not made until years later, with features of hypopituitarism.[2]

  • Such a woman may, however, become acutely exacerbated when her body is stressed by, for example, a severe infection or surgery years after her delivery, a condition equivalent with an Addisonian crisis.[2] 

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